Creating a Patching Strategy is a great way to get started using OneSite Patch. Start with a common scenario, and then build a Patching Strategy to distribute a patch to active clients.
An administrator wants to build a Patching Strategy to update devices every day based on devices that have the following characteristics:
Company wide (all Clients).
Running a version of Google Chrome Enterprise other than the internally approved version.
Initial approval needed.
Immediate, mandatory update to approved version.
Follow the instructions in Create a New Folder for Objects.
Hover over or click Strategy in the left navigation menu of the Adaptiva OneSite Patch Dashboard, and then select Patching Strategies.
Select Show All to see all available Patching Strategies. This populates the Patching Strategies table with the available templates.
For descriptions of each template type, see Patching Strategy Templates.
Enter the Name of an existing strategy on the Search bar, and then click Search.
Select the Name of the strategy to open it.
Select More in the upper left corner of the template, and then select Save Patching Strategy As:
Enter a unique name that reflects what the strategy does conceptually. For example,
ITS Immediate Daily Product Patching
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Select OK. This opens your strategy template with all the default entries for the built-in strategy, including a detailed description.
Enter a detailed Description of your new template or keep the existing detail, and then click Save on the upper-left corner of the dialog.
Remember to click Save on the upper left corner to save your progress. After completing the Patching Strategy configuration, you must save and enable the completed strategy to make it available for use.
Deployment Settings for quick start purposes include selecting a built-in Deployment Wave, which already includes a Business Unit. For details on Deployment Waves, see Deployment Waves. When customizing an existing template, process and deployment fields may include tables with existing configuration selections.
Scroll down to Deployment Settings in an open Patching Strategy template.
Select Browse next to Add Deployment Wave.
This opens the Add Deployment Wave dialog.
Select Single Wave – All Clients.
This Deployment Wave includes a Business Unit called All Clients Business Unit. For information about Business Units, see Business Units and Rollout Processes.
Select Add Deployment Wave on the bottom-left corner of the dialog.
This returns you to the object template.
There is no need to modify the Deployment Bot Runtime settings for purposes of this exercise, but it is an important part of a Patching Strategy template. Be sure to review the Deployment Bot Runtime settings when you are creating your own Patching Strategies (see Deployment Bot Runtime Settings).
For this exercise, we will add one product using the Products workspace near the top of an open Patching Strategy template.
Select + Add Software Products in the Products workspace of an open Patching Strategy template.
Select the Down Arrow next to Search Columns and verify that the only box checked is next to Name.
Enter Chrome on the search line, and then click Search.
Select Google Chrome x64, and then click Add Software Products on the lower-left corner of the dialog.
Scroll up to General Settings to enable the strategy.
After completing the Patching Strategy configuration, including Add Software Products, you must enable the Patching Strategy. When enabled, the strategy runs according to the configured schedules.
After you Enable the Patching Strategy, you can view the pending approval request.
Select the Approval Requests in the left navigation menu of the OneSite Patch Dashboard.
The view defaults to All requests, which includes pending and completed.
The Patching Strategy you just enabled appears in the Approval Summary table with a Request Status of In Progress and Awaiting Response.
Select Flex Controls > Cycle Operations > Patching Cycles from the left navigation menu of the OneSite Patch Dashboard.
Check the Running Patch Processes table, which lists the status of the Patching Strategy as Waiting.
Select Approval Requests in the left navigation menu, and then click the Patching Strategy in the table.
Select Approve, and then click Back to Approval Requests. You can wait until the patch time passes, or you can start the deployment manually.
After the Patching Strategy approval process status shows Completed, you can wait until the time setting for patch deployment, or you can start the deployment immediately.
Select Flex Controls > Patching Cycles, and then click the name of the Patching Strategy to open the Cycle Information.
Select Play
under Cycle Information, and then click Close. This returns you to the Patching Cycles workspace where you can view Running Patch Processes.
Select the Patching Strategy name to view details about the patching process.
The exercise in Introduction to Patching Strategies uses the minimum requirements for a Patching Strategy.
Additional settings in the Patching Strategy template include those listed below, though you do not need them for quick start purposes. Configuration steps for each are documented as part of Creating a Patching Strategy.
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