User Interaction Settings control what the user sees and what options they have for interacting with patching notifications and required reboots. These settings use either Toast notifications or Popup notifications. A User Interaction configuration may use the same settings for all urgencies or use them separately for individual urgency settings (Low, Normal, High, and Critical).
You can customize User Interaction Settings and add them to a patch deployment for Business Units. Child Business Units may inherit these settings from a parent Business Unit. Depending on the urgency of the notification, you can set interaction options for the following scenarios:
Pre-install Notification
Install Notification
App Closure Notification
Reboot Notification
You can customize the notification text, set the time between notifications, and set the maximum deferral time.
Select User Interaction Settings in the left navigation menu of the OneSite Patch Dashboard.
Select the Name of an existing template to open it. This example uses the Deployment & Reboot – 1 Hour Warning (Anytime)(Toast) template.
Save the template with a new Name:
Scroll down to User Interaction Settings in an open User Interaction Settings template:
When working from an existing template, these settings reflect the needs of the template you chose to modify. With Apply to All Urgencies enabled, you have the option to create a single set of urgency settings that apply to all urgency levels (Low, Normal, High, and Critical).
When working from a new template, these settings reflect the default settings for a new User Interaction Settings template ( + New). With Apply to All Urgencies disabled, you have options to create urgency settings for each level.
Select the Apply to All Urgencies toggle to enable or disable whether to set urgencies the same for all levels:
Each setting, including Apply to All Urgencies, uses the same template layout and fields.
This example uses the Apply to All Urgencies setting.
Select Edit Urgency Settings in an open User Interaction Settings template.
When you need to exit the urgency settings for User Interaction Settings, click OK on the lower-left corner of the dialog to return to the User Interaction Settings template.
In the Deployment Notification Settings, click the Enabled toggle to enable or disable whether users see this notification when a deployment begins on their device:
If enabled, continue with the next step.
If disabled, skip to Create System Reboot Notification Settings.
Set the Mute Duration to the number of Hours, Days, Minutes, or Seconds that the user may choose to mute the notification. When set to zero (0), the user does not receive any mute options.
Enter Notification Text in the text box. The user will see this text when the notification arrives on their device.
To notify users when an update requires a reboot, complete the following steps:
Scroll down to System Reboot Notification Settings in an open User Interaction Settings template.
Decide whether to apply the settings to All Urgencies (defaults to disabled):
If yes, click the Apply to All Urgencies toggle to enable the same User Interaction Settings for all users, and then continue with the next step.
If no, click the Apply to All Urgencies toggle to disable (default) user notification, and then click OK at the bottom left of the dialog to return to the settings template.
Enter a Notification Title, and then enter the Notification Text in the text box. This is the information the user sees when the notification arrives on the device.
With Notify User Before Reboot enabled, you may set other conditions related to the reboot:
Select the High Priority toggled to enable or disable whether the user may dismiss notifications generated by the User Interaction Settings. Defaults to disabled in a new template:
Select the Perform Reboot Only During Maintenance Window toggle to enable or disable whether reboots occur only during a maintenance window. Defaults to disabled in a new template:
Enter the number of Days, Hours, Minutes, or Seconds the user has until the reboot occurs. If zero, OneSite provides no warning to the user. Other settings tell the user how much time they have before the reboot occurs.
Select the Use System Modal Dialog Box to enable or disable whether the Dialog is a system modal. When enabled, the dialog appears in front of, and disables, the main window.
Select the Allow Snooze toggle to enable or disable whether the user may snooze the reboot:
Set the maximum snooze duration a user may select. The user sees only the options for which you set a duration.
Select OK to return to the User Interaction Settings template, and then Save and Deploy User Interaction Settings
After creating and configuring or editing User Interaction Settings, you must deploy them. Otherwise, the User Interaction Settings are not available in the list of templates when you add User Interaction Settings to a Business Unit.
Select User Interaction Settings from in the left navigation menu of the OneSite Patch Dashboard.
Select the Name of a User Interaction template to open it or Create User Interaction Settings.
Make any necessary changes using the tasks provided in Create User Interaction Settings and save them so that you return to the General Settings section of the template.
Choose whether to Save, Deploy, or Save & Deploy the template.
If you created a new User Interaction template and it is ready to deploy, click Deploy next to Deployment Status in the upper-left corner of the template.
If you changed an existing template and it is ready to deploy, click Save & Deploy.
If you intend to make more changes before deploying, click Save.
Select <- Back to User Interaction Settings.
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