The three small icons (Calendar, Export and Refresh) on the upper right of the OneSite Patch Home page and on any of the Patching Analytics pages (Overview, Products, Patches, or Devices) provide options to customize the date settings to a particular date range, choose some or all widgets on the page for exporting data, and refresh the data shown on the page.
The dashboard Date Settings default to the current day. Use the following steps to change the date settings:
on the upper-right corner of the Home page or from any Patching Analytics page.
Enter the starting and ending dates for the range you want to view or use the calendar icon to the right of each date field to choose a date from the calendar.
Select the Window Type setting, and then select whether to view data by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year from the dropdown menu.
Select Update to save the settings. The view details update automatically for the date range you entered.
Select the Export icon
on the upper-right corner of the Home page or on any Patching Analytics page. This changes the view to an Export Data page, which highlights in gray the widgets you can export.
Choose which widgets to export:
Select Select All at the top of the page to export all widgets.
Select an individual widget to export a single widget, or click multiple widgets to export.
Select Export Selected on the upper-right corner. The system downloads the export to the server with an
The left navigation menu lists the object available for configuring or monitoring in the OneSite Patch product. Those items with additional choices include a pop-out menu indicated by a right-angle bracket ( > ).
The left pane stays the same, regardless of which object you choose, and consists of three sections.
Home menu choices provide status information related to products, patches, devices, deployment, and approval requests, as well as access to settings for Risk Assessment and Flex Controls. Flex Controls contain tools an administrator can use to monitor cycle operations, create patching exceptions, and pause or roll back patching strategies (see Home Menu Object Descriptions).
Administrators use this information to review performance and to help prioritize actions required to keep the environment updated, compliant, and risk free.
From any location within OneSite Patch OneSite Patch, click Home to return to the OneSite Patch Home page. For a description of Home page widgets, see OneSite Patch Home dashboard and Performance Widgets.
Object |
Purpose |
Home |
Opens the Home page to view the overall status, metric, and compliance for patching in your environment. See OneSite Patch Dashboard and Performance Widgets. |
Patching Analytics |
Shows the status of patches and products in the environment. Change tabs to view metrics for Products, Patches, or Devices. See Patching Analytics Dashboards. Sub menus include Overview, Products, Patches, and Devices. |
Flex Controls |
Review and manage settings for Blacklisting, Exceptions, Global Pause, and Rollbacks. Review Patching Cycle statistics (Cycle Operations), and view both running and historic cycles for Patching, Deployment, and Rollout. For details on each selection, see Flex Controls |
Approval Requests |
View all approval requests and check the status of pending and completed requests. See Approval Requests. |
Risk Assessment Settings |
Customize risk calculations and display risks in other dashboards. See Risk Assessment Settings. |
The Integrations menu provides access for Adaptiva Partners to integrate client data into OneSite and create patching scenarios to update their partner hosts or or devices.
The Intent Schema Menu refers to the menu items administrators use to customize and manage patching strategies based on company policies or intent. The administrator has complete control over how to build OneSite Patch strategies and execute the policy-based patch management principles of the business.
The items in the Intent Schema Menu give administrators access to the building blocks of patch management to create management strategies that reflect company policies (see Intent Schema Object Descriptions).
Object |
Purpose |
Falcon Access Settings |
Settings that integrate CrowdStrike Host Groups and Users into OneSite Patch. |
Business Units - Business Units |
Logically group and manage devices, settings, and other resources within a hierarchy. See Business Units. |
Business Units - Rollout Processes |
Governs the deployment of updates to Business unit devices including load levelling, staggered deployments, custom approvals, and other logic or processes specific to the organization or group of devices. See Rollout Processes. |
Strategy - Patching Strategies |
Deploys patches to software products using a set of rules and procedures that define which patches apply to which products, install order, and time of deployment. See Patching Strategies. |
Strategy - Patching Processes |
Governs deployment of patches directly to target Business Units or adding them to a Deployment Channel. Performs vital functions such as patch approvals, notifications, and other critical tasks. See Patching Processes. |
Bots - Deployment Bots |
Filters new patches based on filter expressions. Generates patch approvals for patches that match filter expressions. Specifies the Patching Process and Deployment Channel (optional) and can limit approvals to specific Business Units. See Bots > Deployment. |
Bots - Notification Bots |
Same as Patch Deployment Bots but generates notifications when a patch matches filter expressions. Sends notification to the Patch Notification Cycle defined in the associated Patching Strategy or Deployment Channel. See Bots > Notification. |
Chains - Notification |
Organizes roles into notification groups to determine which users/administrators to notify. See Chains . |
Chains - Approval Chains |
Enables management and control of the approval process for deploying software patches and updates. See Chains. |
Deployment Channels - Deployment Channels |
Virtual queuing system for updates to reduce disruption for end-users. See Deployment Channels and Deployment Channel Processes. |
Deployment Channels - Channel Processes |
Used to configure the Deployment Channel Process that deploys patches to Business Units and specifies the execution schedule. See Deployment Channels and Deployment Channel Processes . |
Deployment Waves |
A Deployment Wave can consist of a single wave or multiple waves (wave entries). A wave entry can have a single Business Unit or multiple Business Units. See Deployment Waves. |
Maintenance Windows |
Define maintenance and reboot windows. Primarily associated with Business Unit configurations. See Maintenance Windows. |
Communication Providers |
Used throughout OneSite Patch to send communication to administrators, approvers, and others who require notification. See Communication Providers. |
User Interaction Settings |
Control what the endpoint user sees and what options they have for interacting with patching notifications and required reboots. See User Interaction Settings. |
Customized Products |
Customization of installation for products with specific actions needed, such as license key entry or custom installation locations, before or after an installation. See Customized Products. |
Patch Content |
When patch activity occurs, the information associated with a given Patch Strategy appears in a table under Patch Content. See Patch Content. |
The OneSite Patch Home page shows several widgets that provide patching details for the environment. You can expand each widget to a full page using the icon at the upper-right corner of each widget.
The layout of these widgets depends on the size of your computer monitor.
Collectively, these widgets supply information about the overall state of patches in your environment based on OneSite Patch system scans. The Patching Analytics menus show more detail about specific products, patches, and devices.
Accessed from the Home screen, Patching Metrics show basic patch related information specific to your environment based on scanning requirements. Details include a quantitative summary of the item within the environment. Each item links to the Patching Analytics Overview, which includes a separate and detailed view for Products, Patches, or Devices.
Returns the average risk score for all products identified in the metadata, and shows the average Risk Score. Depending on the dates chosen for the dashboard reporting, the administrator can see the changes in risk over time. See Date Settings for Status Views for more information.
The average number reported here reflects a customized risk assessment for each product based on patch status, applicability, and weight of risk. See Risk Assessment Settings for more information.
Summarizes the status of the latest endpoint scans and client product inventory updates. Metadata includes details about the products, patches, and updates approved by the company for installation. The Patch Metadata summary tells the administrator when the AdaptivaServer and AdaptivaClients last synchronized with the Metadata Server and when the last sync resulted in an update to the clients.
In addition, the Patching Metadata summary shows the number of supported products in the environment and the number of support patches and releases related to those supported products.
Displays the products that are most out of compliance and by what percentage. Scanning compares the detected product versions with the established current product version and reports the top five products contributing to the Overall Compliance score.
If compliance is the main area of concern, the administrator can review these top five products and take direct action to reduce their non-compliance.
Displays the most critical patches contributing to the Risk Score and by what percentage (highest to lowest). Scanning compares the risk score of missing patches and reports these top five as those contributing most to the Risk Score.
If risk is the main area of concern, the administrator can review each of these top five patches and take direct action to complete the updates and reduce the Risk Score.
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