supports patching for multiple versions of products. Our dedicated team of metadata analysts constantly expands the Software Products Library (metadata catalog) with new products and new releases for existing products, covering most of the installed software within your environment.
Adaptiva has a dedicated team that focuses on metadata. This team monitors the vendors and products we support and regularly searches for additional products to add to our metadata catalog.
Our metadata team receives automatic notification within 24 hours of an update release. The team uses Virus Total to scan all downloaded content in an isolated and secured environment. The Virus Total score for the content must be zero (0) before Adaptiva publishes the content to the Adaptiva Content Delivery Network (CDN). The Adaptiva CDN converts the update to our native content format and makes it accessible to Adaptiva customers only.
When testing a new release, the team installs the prior version. The team also tests the upgrade using the new release. After a successful upgrade, the team opens the application to verify a quality installation. The team contacts the vendor for support if it identifies issues during installation.
After confirming a successful update, the team creates, reviews, and approves the metadata before adding it to the metadata catalog. Every Adaptiva customer server with an license downloads the metadata catalog update. See OneSite Patch 3rd Party App Catalog ( for more information.
The endpoint scanning timeline for patch and product status defaults to once daily. Administrators can start and customize scans at any time using the Request Scan feature.
From the OneSite Patch Home menu in the left navigation panel, hover over Patching Analytics, and then select Overview, Products, Patches, or Devices.
Scroll down to the last table on the screen. The table name changes depending on the option you choose:
Overview – Product Status table; Actions include and .
Products – Product Status table; Actions include and .
Patches – Patch Status table. Actions include and .
Devices – Device Status table; Actions include
Select the ellipsis (…) in the Actions column for the product, overview, or device you want to scan.
Select Scan Product.
This opens the Request Scan dialog and prepopulates the Software section with all the software available on the item you chose to scan.
Request Scan defaults to Scan All Software.
Select the Scan All Clients toggle to enable or disable scanning all clients. If disabled, add targets to scan.
Select the Scan All Software toggle to enable or disable (default) scanning all software.
Select OK. The system briefly displays a message
Successfully Requested Client Scan
Display |
Description |
Object ID |
Version |
Name |
Description |
Product ID |
Parent ID |
Blacklist.On |
Blacklisting state for this object. Values: true or false |
Blacklist.Hidden |
Hidden state for this blacklisting. Values: true or false |
Blacklist.DateTime |
The date and time the patch was added to the blacklist. |
Blacklist.Reason |
Detailed reason for blacklisting this patch. |
Blacklist.VendorUrl |
Vendor URL that describes problems leading to blacklisting. |
Content.ContentId |
Optional. If not specified, the content ID defaults to: Adaptiva$MD$<Object ID of Object>. Use the same format for a customer-provided ID to publish content files, or edit this property to insert a unique customer content ID. |
Content.SourceType |
Defines the content source using one of the built-in constants. |
Content.VendorUrl |
Required by the server to download the Object from the vendor download location. The Client uses the content ID to download content rather than the URL. Valid only if [SourceType] is the Vendor CDN or the Vendor CDN with Adaptiva CDN Backup. |
Content.AdaptivaUrl |
URL to use for Adaptiva CDN. |
Content.FileName |
The original file name of the file downloaded from the URL. Needed because some CDNs download the file with a junk name and we need to know the original filename to rename it, after download. Valid only if [ContentSourceType] is the Adaptiva CDN, Vendor CDN, or Vendor CDN with Adaptiva CDN Backup. |
Content.Sha256Hash |
Required by the server to download the Object from the vendor download location. The Client uses the content ID to download content rather than the URL. SHA256 secure hash for the Object file downloaded from the URL, used only by server for verifying and adding to content metadata. Not sent to clients as part of Object or software Object - clients receive it as part of content metadata. |
Content.Size |
Size of the content file. |
ContentForRepair.ContentId |
Optional. If not specified, the content ID is: Adaptiva$MD$<Object ID of Object>. Use the same format for a customer-provided ID to publish content files or edit this property to insert a unique customer content ID. |
ContentForRepair.SourceType |
The type of content source, using one of the built-in constants. |
ContentForRepair.VendorUrl |
Required by the server to download the Object from the vendor download location. The Client uses the content ID to download content rather than the URL. The external URL to download the Object from the vendor download location. Valid only if [SourceType] is Vendor CDN, or Vendor CDN with Adaptiva CDN Backup. |
ContentForRepair.AdaptivaUrl |
URL to use for Adaptiva CDN. |
ContentForRepair.FileName |
The original file name of the file downloaded from the URL. Needed because some CDNs download the file with a junk name. We need to know the original filename to rename it, after download. Valid only if [ContentSourceType] is the Adaptiva CDN, Vendor CDN, or Vendor CDN with Adaptiva CDN Backup. |
ContentForRepair.Sha256Hash |
Required by the server to download the Object from the vendor download location. The Client uses the content ID to download content rather than the URL. SHA256 secure hash for the Object file downloaded from the URL, used only by server for verifying and adding to content metadata. Not sent to clients as part of Object or software Object - clients receive it as part of content metadata. |
ContentForRepair.Size |
Size of the content file. |
ContentForUninstallation.ContentId |
Optional. If not specified, the content ID is: Adaptiva$MD$<Object ID of Object>. Use the same format for a customer-provided ID to publish content files or edit this property to insert a unique customer content ID. |
ContentForUninstallation.SourceType |
The content source type, using one of the built-in constants. |
ContentForUninstallation.VendorUrl |
Required by the server to download the Object from the vendor download location. The Client uses the content ID to download content rather than the URL. Valid only if [SourceType] is the Vendor CDN or the Vendor CDN with Adaptiva CDN Backup. |
ContentForUninstallation.AdaptivaUrl |
URL to use for Adaptiva CDN. |
ContentForUninstallation.FileName |
The original file name of the file downloaded from the URL. Needed because some CDNs download the file with a junk name, and we need to know the original filename to rename it after download. Valid only if [ContentSourceType] is the Adaptiva CDN, Vendor CDN, or Vendor CDN with Adaptiva CDN Backup. |
ContentForUninstallation.Sha256Hash |
Required by the server to download the Object from the vendor download location. The Client uses the content ID to download content rather than the URL. SHA256 secure hash for the Object file downloaded from the URL, used only by server for verifying and adding to content metadata. Not sent to clients as part of Object or software Object - clients receive it as part of content metadata. |
ContentForUninstallation.Size |
Size of the content file. |
Extensions.PreInstallationActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute before Adaptiva installation actions. Fails install if any action fails. |
Extensions.PostInstallationActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute after Adaptiva installation actions. |
Extensions.PreRepairActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute before Adaptiva uninstallation actions. Fails uninstall if any action fails. |
Extensions.PostRepairActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute after Adaptiva uninstallation actions. |
Extensions.PreUninstallationActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute before Adaptiva repair actions. Fails repair if any action fails. |
Extensions.PostUninstallationActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute after Adaptiva repair actions. |
Falcon.ExPRT |
The highest ExPRT rating of CVEs referenced by the metadata object in Risk.CveIds and all its superseded objects. |
Falcon.ExploitStatus |
The highest exploit status of all CVEs referenced by the metadata object in Risk.CveIds and all its superseded objects. |
Falcon.KnownExploitExists |
If Falcon.ExploitStatus = Available, Easily Accessible, or Actively used, then true. Otherwise, false. |
General.Schema |
The schema version number for this object, starting with 1. |
General.ExpiredByVendor |
Specifies that the vendor expired the software represented by this object. Recommend that clients no longer use this version. |
General.Name |
Required. The user-readable name of this Object. Use the same name that the vendor specified, so that customers can see the same name they see on the Internet. |
General.ShortName |
Required. A vendor Object name for this that follows a consistent format for each vendor Object. For example, Microsoft Objects use a KB number, such as KB4474419. Adobe uses a Bulletin ID, such as APSB21-85. Use whatever is appropriate for each third-party and be consistent across all Objects for that vendor. |
General.Description |
A description of the Object, readable to users. If the software vendor has published a description for the Object, reuse that description without changes. Otherwise, Adaptiva generates an appropriate description, based on the available details. If empty, no description. |
General.VendorVersion |
The version of the software as specified by the vendor. This is a non-standard format, so not reliable for comparison of one Object version with another. For that comparison, use the ReleaseDate property. Unless otherwise stated by vendor, Objects with an earlier ReleaseDate are a lower version than an Object with a later ReleaseDate. |
General.VendorName |
The name of the vendor that published this Object. Vendor name should be consistent for all Objects published by the same vendor. |
General.ReleaseDate |
The date and time of the first release of the Object. |
General.ReleaseNotes |
The release notes for this Object, from the vendor, unedited. If empty, no release notes. |
General.AdditionalInformationUrl |
A URL containing additional information published by the vendor of the Object. If empty, no URL is available. |
General.MsiGuid |
The MSI GUID of the application, if it is an MSI used for detection rules and uninstallation. |
General.IsSecurityUpdate |
If this update contains security fixes. |
General.IsUpdateRollup |
If this update contains a rollup update. |
General.IsMinorFeature |
-- |
General.IsMajorFeature |
-- |
General.IsServicepack |
-- |
General.IsBugfix |
-- |
General.TargetType |
Specifies the type of software targeted by the Object, using one of the built-in constants. Required. |
General.WhoAmI |
Specifies the origin and business use of the metadata object. |
Icon.IconID |
Object ID of the Icon Object for this software. |
Icon.CompressedData |
compressed base64 of the .ico file, used only in Icon objects. |
Install.InstallerType |
Specifies the type of installer using one of the following built-in constants: MSI, MSIX, MSIX Bundle, Silent EXE, non silent EXE, PowerShell script, VB script, Batch file. |
Install.PreActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute before installation of this software. The expressions may use macros, contain multiple actions, ignore errors for some actions, or fail in case of others. Installation takes place only if the expression succeeds. |
Install.ActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute to install this software. The expressions may use macros, contain multiple actions, written to ignore errors for some actions, or fail in case of others. |
Install.CustomizerUI |
Optional. User Form JSON containing UI for the customizer that lets the administrator select installation options. |
Defaults to no customizer is available. |
Install.PostActionSequence |
An action sequence that executes only after successful installation of this software. The expressions may use macros, contain multiple actions, written to ignore errors for some actions, or fail in case of others. |
Install.AutoItScript |
If present, this autoIT script performs a silent install of this software. The script is a sensor expression, which contains liberal doses of literal strings containing AutoIT commands and scripts, peppered with Adaptiva macros and sensor expressions. At runtime, OneSite Patch evaluates this sensor expression, and the resulting string contains a fully valid and executable AutoIT script. The system automatically writes this resulting script to the Adaptiva.AU3 file in the unpacking folder. The AutoITScriptPath runtime property contains the absolute path of this script file that, when passed as a parameter to the AutoIT action, executes the AutoIT script. |
Install.InterferingProcesses |
Optional. A list of process names known to interfere with installation of this Object that require ending before installation begins so they do not interfere. Specify each process using the full name of the executable. For example, excel.exe. Defaults to none. |
Install.InterferingProcessesToWaitFor |
Optional. A list of process names known to interfere with installation of this Object must run to completion before the installation begins. These processes must end naturally prior to installation. Specify each process name using the full name of the executable. For example, excel.exe. Defaults to none. |
Install.InternetRequired |
Defines whether the installation requires an Internet connection to install the Object properly. |
Install.LoggedOnUser |
Uses one of the built-in constants below to determine whether a logged-on user affects this installation. Constants are: Required, Prohibited, or Don't care. Defaults to Don't care. |
Install.RequiresReboot |
Uses one of the built-in constants below to determine whether the installation requires reboot using one of the following built-in constants: Required, Prohibited, or Don't care. Default: Do not care. |
Install.DiskSpaceRequired |
The amount of disk space required for uninstallation. Defaults to 2x content size. |
Install.MaxRunTime |
The maximum amount of time required for uninstallation, after the uninstaller begins executing. Defaults to 4:00:00 (4 hours). If uninstallation fails to complete during this time, the uninstaller process ends and fails the uninstall. |
InstallTime.ObjectID |
-- |
InstallTime.UnpackingFolder |
Absolute path of the folder into which the installation unpacks content for this product. |
InstallTime.AutoITScriptPath |
Absolute path of the file that contains the runtime version of the AutoIT script. |
Media.FileNamePattern |
Use when the media consists of a single file, such as 7z2106-x64.exe, or a regular expression that matches the single file. Conclusive detection of this media occurs by matching the single file against this pattern. |
Media.KeyFileName |
-- |
Media.MediaDetectionSensorExpression |
-- |
Realtime.RegistryIndicators |
Specifies one or more registry keys to watch for real time detection of any install/uninstall activity for this software. |
Realtime.FolderIndicators |
Specifies one or more files or folders to watch for real time detection of any install/uninstall activity for this software. May contain environment variables in the standard %NAME% format. |
Relationships.Product |
The objectID of the product to which this object belongs. |
Relationships.PrerequisiteInstalls |
Object IDs of one or more software products/software release groups/releases/patches that require installation prior to installing this software (all the dependencies of this software). For software release groups, the installation uses the release group rules to scan for and use the latest release group. For products, the installation uses the latest release of the latest release group. The installation aborts if it detects an error. |
Relationships.FollowupInstalls |
Object IDs of one or more software products/software release groups/releases/patches that require installation after installing this software, such as any follow-ons of this software for software release groups, the installation uses the release group rules to scan for and use the latest release group. |
For products, the installation uses the latest release of the latest release group. |
The installation continues even if it detects an error. |
Relationships.Supersedes |
Object IDs of all software releases and patches which this software supersedes, including all the software contained in [SupersedesRemovalRequired]. Includes patches and releases superseded by one or more of these objects by reference only. |
Relationships.SupersedesRemovalRequired |
Object IDs of all software releases and patches that this software supersedes, and that require uninstalling before installing this software. Subset of the IDs specified in [Supersedes]. Includes patches and releases superseded by one or more of these objects by reference only. |
Relationships.SupersededBy |
Object IDs of any software releases or patches which supersede this software, if any. Includes patches and releases superseded by one or more of these objects by reference only. Superseded whenever an existing software has metadata published by Adaptiva. |
Relationships.Parent |
Object ID of the parent of this object. |
Relationships.Children |
Object IDs of the children of this object. |
Repair.InstallerType |
Specifies the type of this installer, using one of the following built-in constants: MSI, MSIX, MSIX Bundle, Silent EXE, Non silent EXE, PowerShell script, VB script, Batch file. |
Repair.PreActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute before installation of this software. The expressions may use macros if needed. It may contain multiple actions. You may write it to ignore errors for some actions, or to fail in others. Installation takes place only if this expression succeeds. |
Repair.ActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute to install this software. The expressions may use macros if needed. It may contain multiple actions. Write this to ignore errors for some actions or to fail in others. |
Repair.CustomizerUI |
Optional. User Form JSON containing UI for the customizer that will let the admin select installation options. Default: no customizer is available. |
Repair.PostActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute only after successful installation of this software. The expressions may use macros if needed. It may contain multiple actions. Write it to ignore errors for some actions or to fail in others. |
Repair.AutoItScript |
If present, this is the autoIT script for performing silent install of this software. It is a sensor expression which contains liberal doses of literal strings containing AutoIT commands and script, peppered with Adaptiva macros and sensor expressions. At runtime, we will evaluate this sensor expression, and the resulting string will contain a fully valid and executable AutoIT script. The system will automatically write this resulting script to the Adaptiva.AU3 file in the unpacking folder. The AutoITScriptPath runtime property contains the absolute path of this script file, which can be passed as a parameter to the AutoIT action, which will execute the AutoIT script. |
Repair.InterferingProcesses |
Optional. A list of process names known to interfere with installation of this Object, and the process shuts them down before installing the patch. Specifies each process name using the full name of the executable, such as excel.exe. Default: none. |
Repair.InterferingProcessesToWaitFor |
Optional. A list of process names known to interfere with installation of this Object but must end naturally so they do not run during installation. Specify each process name using the full name of the executable, such as excel.exe. Default: none. |
Repair.InternetRequired |
Whether or not installing the Object properly requires Internet. |
Repair.LoggedOnUser |
Whether a logged-on user affects this installation, using one of the following built-in constants: Required, Prohibited, or Don't care. Default: Do not care. |
Repair.RequiresReboot |
Whether this installation requires reboot: using one of the following built-in constants: Required, Prohibited, or Don't care. Default: Do not care. |
Repair.DiskSpaceRequired |
The amount of disk space required for uninstallation. if missing, 2x content size is used by default. |
Repair.MaxRunTime |
The maximum amount of time required for uninstallation, after the uninstaller has started executing. If missing, 4:00:00 (4 hours) is used by default. If uninstallation has not completed in time, the process shuts down the uninstaller and the uninstall fails. |
Risk.CveIds |
The IDs of any CVEs resolved by this Object. If empty, there are no CVE IDs. |
Risk.CvssScores |
All the CVSS scores for vulnerabilities fixed by this patch or release. |
Risk.SecurityExposureLevel |
Vendor's indication of how critical the security exposure for this Object is, using one of the built-in constants. Id a patch fixes multiple CVEs with different CVSS scores, the highest of those scores are reflected in this property |
Risk.KnownExploitExists |
Whether or not a known exploit exists for the vulnerability that this Object fixes. |
Risk.Criticality |
This value is the default that is used to calculate the risk assessment score for releases/patches. Customers may override it. Represents the importance of a product in a customer environment. Rate minor tools like text editors low, and rate involved and data-sensitive software high. |
Rules.InstalledAuthoringRuleObject |
JSON representation of the MetadataAuthoringRule object that detects installation of this Software Product/Release Group/Software Release/Software Patch is the client machine. Returns a boolean response. This property is removed from the Feed view and replaced with the InstalledRuleId property. |
Rules.InstallableAuthoringRuleObject |
JSON representation of the MetadataAuthoringRule object that detects whether this Software Release/Software Patch is currently Installable on the client machine. The rule returns a boolean value. This removes the property from the Feed view and replaces it with the InstallableRuleId property. 1) Install this release or patch on this machine, using only the pre-requisites defined in the object metadata. |
Rules.ApplicableAuthoringRuleObject |
JSON representation of the MetadataAuthoringRule object that detects whether this Software Release/Software Patch is currently applicable on the client machine. The rule returns a boolean response. This removes this property from the Feed view and replaces it with the ApplicableRuleId property. Applicability is defined as: 1) A previous version of this software is currently installed on this machine, AND 2) You may install this release, or patch, on this machine using only the pre-requisites defined in the object metadata, AND 3) installation of this object would replace the previous version if performed using the pre/post/installation steps defined in the object metadata |
Rules.InstallPathSensorExpression |
An optional sensor expression that returns the absolute installation path of the installed software. |
Rules.InstalledVersion |
An optional sensor expression that returns the version of the installed product. |
Tracking.Method |
The method used for tracking releases of this software. |
Tracking.WebScrapeURL |
The URL for the website to monitor for this software. |
Tracking.WebScrapeDescription |
A description of the monitor to use for administrative purposes. |
Tracking.WebScrapeInterval |
The interval (in hours) on which to check for changes. |
Tracking.WebScrapeScanDate |
The last time the scan ran. Used to determine when to run the next scan. |
Tracking.WebScrapeIdentificationAttributes |
The html attributes to identify the element for checking for changes. |
Tracking.WebScrapeMonitoringAttributes |
The html attributes to compare for changes. |
Uninstall.InstallerType |
Specifies the type of this installer, using one of the following built-in constants: MSI, MSIX, MSIX Bundle, Silent EXE, Non silent EXE, PowerShell script, VB script, Batch file. |
Uninstall.PreActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute before installation of this software. The expressions may use macros if needed. It may contain multiple actions. You may write it to ignore errors from some actions or fail in case of others. Installation takes place only if this expression succeeds. |
Uninstall.ActionSequence |
Action sequence to execute to install this software. The expressions may use macros if needed. It may contain multiple actions. You may write it to ignore errors for some actions or fail in case of others. |
Uninstall.CustomizerUI |
Optional. User Form JSON containing UI for the customizer that will let the admin select installation options. Default: no customizer is available. |
Uninstall.PostActionSequence |
Action sequence executed only after successful installation of this software. The expressions may use macros if needed. It may contain multiple actions. You may write it to ignore errors for some actions or fail in case of others. |
Uninstall.AutoItScript |
If present, this is the autoIT script for performing silent install of this software. It is a sensor expression which contains liberal doses of literal strings containing AutoIT commands and script, peppered with Adaptiva macros and sensor expressions. At runtime, we will evaluate this sensor expression, and the resulting string will contain a fully valid and executable AutoIT script. The system will automatically write this resulting script to the Adaptiva.AU3 file in the unpacking folder. The AutoITScriptPath runtime property will contain the absolute path of this script file, passed as a parameter to the AutoIT action, which will execute the AutoIT script. |
Uninstall.InterferingProcesses |
Optional. A list of process names known to interfere with installation of this Object. Shut down these processes before installing the patch. Specify each process name using the full name of the executable, such as. excel.exe. Default: none. |
Uninstall.InterferingProcessesToWaitFor |
Optional. A list of process names known to interfere with installation of this Object and must end to end naturally. These processes should not be running during installation. Each process name is specified using the full name of the executable, such as excel.exe. Default: none. |
Uninstall.InternetRequired |
Whether the installation requires Internet to install the Object properly. |
Uninstall.LoggedOnUser |
Whether a logged-on user affects this installation, using one of the following built-in constants: Required, Prohibited, or Don't care. Default: Do not care. |
Uninstall.RequiresReboot |
Whether this installation requires reboot: using one of the following built-in constants: Required, Prohibited, or Don't care. Default: Do not care. |
Uninstall.DiskSpaceRequired |
The amount of disk space required for uninstallation. if missing, 2x content size is used by default. |
Uninstall.MaxRunTime |
The maximum amount of time required for uninstallation, after the uninstaller has started executing. If missing, 4:00:00 (4 hours) is used by default. If uninstallation has not completed in time, the process shuts down the uninstaller and the uninstall fails. |
UserPortal.Name |
Optional: Used for overriding the same property in the [General] section, else the value from the [General] section is displayed. |
UserPortal.Description |
Optional: Used for overriding the same property in the [General] section, else the value from the [General] section is displayed. |
UserPortal.Version |
Optional: Used for overriding the same property in the [General] section, else the value from the [General] section is displayed. |
UserPortal.VendorName |
Optional: Used for overriding the same property in the [General] section, else the value from the [General] section is displayed. |
UserPortal.Categories |
Any categories within the user catalog to which this software belongs. |
UserPortal.Keywords |
Any keywords the software should be associated with within the user catalog. |
WSUS.UpdateID |
Specifies the WSUS update ID for this patch. |
Specifies the base CAB file name for this patch. For Windows patches, set to W + <4-digit year of creation>. CAB name schema defined in future for other Microsoft products. |
WSUS.FileNames |
Contains all file names for this WSUS update. |
Contains the Microsoft URLs corresponding to each of the file names for this wsus update. |
WSUS.UninstallSupported |
If set to true, the process may uninstall this WSUS update. |
WSUS.Classification |
Specifies the WSUS classification to which this update belongs, such as Security updates, Upgrades, Critical updates, and so on. |
WSUS.Products |
Specifies one or more WSUS products to which this update belongs, such as Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 10 LTSB, and so on. |
Specifies one or more KB article numbers with which this update is associated, such as KB7354748. |
Article is closed for comments.