Every Managed Service Provider customer requires a unique Tenant GUID. Use the steps below to create a Tenant Adaptiva Client GUID. The installation does not use the Tenant GUID for that customer.
When you create a tenant, OneSite Patch automatically creates a GUID used to install the Adaptiva Client with that tenant.
Log in to the Adaptiva OneSite Admin Portal.
Select Assets in the left navigation menu, and select Tenants.
Select +New on the upper-right corner of the workspace.
This opens the Tenant template to General Settings.
Enter a unique Name for the Tenant, and add a detailed Description.
Select Save to save the new Tenant.
OneSite Patch Tenants automatically creates a unique, 32-character GUID for the new Tenant.
Each Tenant you create receives a unique GUID that identifies the Tenant in Managed Services Provider (MSP).
Copy the GUID created in the previous step. The GUID is necessary for the command line used to install or upgrade the Adaptiva Client.
After creating a tenant, use the unique Tenant GUID to associate an Adaptiva Client with a tenant during Adaptiva Client installation.
Before adding a tenant to an Adaptiva Client installation, make sure you have the following information:
DNS server name: The name of the DNS server.
Server GUID: The GUID for your Adaptiva Server. In the Admin Portal, select
> Settings > Server Activation to view the Server GUID.
Tenant GUID: The GUID you created in Create a Tenant.
Adaptiva Client Installation Wizard: When you install the Adaptiva Client on a new device or upgrade an existing Adaptiva Client version, use the installation wizard to install the Adaptiva Client on the device and associate the appropriate tenant. Specific fields to modify during installation include the Adaptiva Cloud Relay Service, Server DNS, Server GUID, and Tenant GUID:
Command Line: When you install the Adaptiva Client on a device use a command line on devices that require association with a tenant.
Run the example command below to install the Adaptiva Client. Replace the Server FQDN, Server GUID, and the Tenant GUID, respectively.
<drive:\path>\AdaptivaClientSetup.exe -installorupgrade -servername <AdaptivaCustomerServerFQDN> -ServerGUID <A123B456-C789-012D-E345-6789F0GHJK12> -CloudRelay -TenantGUID <L123M456-N789-012P-Q345-6789R0STUV12> [other options as needed]
To explore additional parameters for this command line, see the Client Installation section of the Adaptiva OneSite Platform Installation User Guide.
Open the Adaptiva OneSite Patch Dashboard from the OneSite Admin Portal.
Hover over Business Units in the left navigation menu of the Adaptiva OneSite Patch Dashboard, and select Business Units.
Expand the All Tenants Business Unit to view existing members. Each time you create a new Tenant, it appears in this list.
Select the name of the tenant you created to open the Tenant Build Unit. In this example, XYZ Managed Services Provider (MSP) Tenant.
Scroll down to Business Units Scopes, and select Devices.
Select Show Members on the upper-right corner of the Business Units Scopes dialog.
A list of devices appears detailing where the Adaptiva Client is installed with the Tenant GUID.
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